Imaging Associates provides accurate, safe and accessible Abdominal CT Scans.

Abdomen ct scans at Imaging Associates.

What is an abdominal CT Scan?

A CT scan of the abdomen is a quick, easy to perform, and painless procedure, which is used to diagnose and assess a number of medical conditions. You may be referred by your doctor or specialist to Imaging Associates for an abdominal CT scan if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms or conditions:

  • Abdominal pain
  • Diverticulitis
  • Kidney stones
  • Pancreatitis
  • Appendicitis
  • Vomiting and diarrhoea
  • Weight loss
  • Following an abnormal liver function test
  • Hernia

State-of-the-art CT scanners

Our low-dose CT scanners use a series of x-rays which, when put together, create three different views of your abdomen for the radiologist to examine. This allows the doctor to view the anatomy from multiple perspectives to obtain the clearest and most accurate images.

Depending on the condition or symptoms being assessed, an abdominal CT scan may require an injection of a contrast agent called iodine. This helps to differentiate between abdominal structures and organs so that we can achieve the best possible view and images of any inflammation or infection, to enable an accurate diagnosis and treatment from your doctor.

Advantages of abdominal CT scans over other modalities

  • Generally, CT scans are suited to all patient types, particularly those who are unable to tolerate or otherwise not suited for an MRI. Patients with compromised renal function, pregnant women or those who have experienced prior CT contrast reactions, may not be suitable patients for CT scans.
  • Abdominal CTs are in some cases preferred over ultrasound as there are some abdominal structures and pathologies that are not well visualised or defined by ultrasound.
  • A CT scan of the abdomen provides a comprehensive and highly detailed 3D overview of all abdominal structures and organs when compared to an X-ray which only provides a 2D view of the abdomen.
  • Unlike Ultrasounds and MRI’s which can take over 30 minutes to complete, abdomen CT scans generally only take 5-10 minutes making it a quick, painless and non-invasive procedure.

What to expect

What preparation is required for an abdominal CT scan?

You will need to fast for 2 hours before your scheduled scan but you are encouraged to stay well hydrated. Upon arrival at the clinic, our staff will discuss with you and answer any questions that you may have about any aspect of the procedure. If contrast is required, you will be asked to complete a CT contrast form and will have the opportunity to discuss this with our staff.

What happens during the procedure?

After changing into a gown, a cannula will be inserted into a vein in your arm. You will be asked to breathe in and hold your breath a few times before the radiographer injects the contrast agent. It is quite common to feel hot, experience a distinctive taste in your mouth or feel the need to urinate at this stage, although these sensations are brief and generally last a few seconds.

What to expect during your abdominal CT scan

After the scan is complete, you will be asked to remain for around ten minutes so that we can monitor you for any signs of an adverse reaction to the contrast agent used. The cannula will be removed and you can then go about your regular daily activities.

The results of non-urgent abdomen CT scans are communicated via a report sent to your doctor. If your scan identifies a condition or illness that requires urgent treatment the radiologist will contact your referring doctor immediately to develop the next step in your treatment plan before conveying this information to you before you leave the practice.

Book an abdominal CT scan Near You

Our CT scan services are available at our Melbourne, Gippsland and Wagga Wagga locations.

To book a CT at an Imaging Associates clinic near you, click the button below, or call one of our clinics today.

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Our assurance of quality and accuracy

Imaging Associates applies the latest research to guide its protocols around abdomen CT scans. Our scanning equipment is modern and regularly serviced to ensure that the highest standards of imaging quality are maintained. 

Imaging Associates radiologists are registered under the Royal Australia and New Zealand College of Radiologists. They are highly qualified doctors and medical specialists who have completed specialist “fellowship” training.