For Patients

Communication, care and compassion are at our core, hand-in-hand with expertise and leading-edge imaging. Ours is a very human approach.

At Imaging Associates, we’re committed to your comfort, care and wellbeing.

There are two convenient ways to book your appointment with us.

You may be given specific instructions at the time of your booking prior to your scan.

We endeavour to bulk bill pensioner, HCC and student card holders for diagnostic exams.

Our reception staff will advise you of the price of your appointment and gap which you will be liable for.

Imaging Associates is an accredited radiology provider under the Diagnostic Imaging Accreditation Scheme.

As a patient, it’s important for you to understand what is happening during your appointment with us.

When it comes to results, your practitioner is best placed to explain and interpret your radiology test with you.

IA X-Rays offers secure online access to your images via computer, tablet or phone.

Most referring doctors will be able to view your images via our viewing software.